Can Orthodontics Help Sleeping Issues?

At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we believe in the connection between healthy sleeping patterns and proper oral hygiene. Getting a good night’s sleep is a staple for just about anything. Whether you have responsibilities or are simply looking to function at a high level, sleep is the battery that charges us through our day. It’s one thing to know sleep is important, but making sure you get the necessary hours isn’t always easy. In fact, sleep deprivation affects approximately 18 million adults and children at any given time. While sleep deprivation is common, there are ways to relieve yourself of sleepless nights. Did you know that your oral healthcare can actually play a role in effective sleep? Through dentistry, Dr. Szymanowski and our team of experts can actually help your sleep schedule by addressing a disorder called sleep apnea. 

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea affects a person’s sleep cycle. People with sleep apnea will periodically stop and start breathing for different periods while asleep. 

The main types of sleep apnea are:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea, the more common form that occurs when throat muscles relax
  • Central sleep apnea occurs when your brain doesn’t send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing
  • Complex sleep apnea syndrome, also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea, occurs when someone has both obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea

Sleep apnea’s effects range from disruptive to dangerous depending on the severity of your symptoms. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Loud snoring
  • Awakening with a dry mouth
  • Morning headache
  • Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia)

While there are many reasons for disruptive sleep patterns, one reason you might have sleep apnea is actually because of a medical condition called TMJ.

What is TMJ?

TMJ is a condition where patients feel pain in the joints and muscles that control jaw movement. 

The joints in your jaw act like sliding hinges, connecting your jawbone to your skull. You have one joint on each side of your jaw. While you sleep, your mouth and jaw muscles will relax with the rest of your body. Sometimes to ease discomfort from TMJ, patients will clench or grind their teeth, causing trauma to the jaw, the head, or the neck. During sleep cycles, patients who struggle with conditions such as TMJ (or TMD) may experience sleep disruptions due to the constant pain and discomfort experienced while sleeping. 

Can Orthodontics Help Sleeping Issues?How do I know if I have TMJ?

The symptoms of TMJ include: 

  • Pain or tenderness of your jaw
  • Pain in one or both of the temporomandibular joints
  • Aching pain in and around your ear
  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
  • Aching facial pain
  • Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth

TMJ disorders can also cause a clicking sound or grating sensation when you open your mouth or chew. If there’s no pain or limitation of movement associated with your jaw clicking, you probably don’t need treatment for a TMJ disorder.

In most cases, the pain and discomfort associated with TMJ disorders are temporary and can be relieved with self-managed care or nonsurgical treatments. 

How your orthodontist can help.

As we stated, your orthodontist may be able to help with symptoms of TMJ. After proper consultation, your primary caretaker can determine the best measure of action. Some cases are more serious than others, but generally, once an orthodontist steps in, surgery is likely to be required. Surgery is typically a last resort after conservative measures have failed, but some people with TMJ disorders may benefit from surgical treatments.

If sleep apnea is generally a structural issue, patients may find symptomatic relief by slightly altering the jaw position. Orthodontists can adjust the patient’s lower jaw so that it remains in the ideal position while sleeping. This process is completed with special appliances, or in some cases, with orthodontic treatment, including braces/aligners and elastics that shift the bottom jaw forward. 

Another option for treatment is through palate expanders. A palate expander is a device placed on the roof of the mouth and used to widen the upper jaw. This appliance is typically used as a treatment for children since their mouths and palate are still not fully formed and can easily be manipulated. Frequently, when a child’s mouth does not appear wide enough to accommodate the adult teeth, this RPE can be used without braces to provide spacing support for those teeth to come in correctly. This palate expander creates space allowing better airflow through the mouth, helping ease or even prevent sleep apnea. 

Another notable option is using custom oral appliances to help keep the jaw in a forward position and keep airflow unobstructed. Two different methods of custom oral therapy vary only slightly, with one having an extra piece to help position your tongue correctly. This option is called a tongue retaining mouthpiece. The other therapy option is the mandibular advancement device which moves your lower jaw forward and tightens the soft tissues of the upper airway, preventing airway obstruction.

Can Orthodontics Help Sleeping Issues?Your best sleep awaits at Szymanowski Orthodontics

Your oral healthcare is a big commitment, and here at Szymanowski Orthodontics, we look forward to continuing the relationships we build with you and your family along the way. For 50 years, your smile has been our top priority. That’s why our caring and experienced team recognizes that children, teens, and adults will all have different dental needs, requiring a different level of attention and care. We work diligently with each patient to ensure you receive the most appropriate treatment in an inviting environment. 

If you face sleep issues like sleep apnea or TMJ, visit us at Szymanowski Orthodontics in Sacramento to see how orthodontic treatment can transform your life.

Everything You Need to Know About Palatal Expanders

Your facial symmetry is greatly affected by the shape of your mouth. A crossbite or narrow upper jaw can often lead to complicated, and sometimes painful, oral health problems. Here at Szymanowski Orthodontics, our expert team can straighten your teeth and correct your jaw shape. We achieve this by using an orthodontic appliance called a palatal expander. This expander applies constant pressure to your jaw. Over time, it slowly widens the upper jaw. This allows permanent teeth to grow in and existing teeth to be adjusted appropriately. Let’s go over everything you need to know about palatal expanders.

Why Use a Palatal Expander?

Let’s begin with an anatomy lesson: Your upper jaw grows in two separate pieces as your mouth matures. It isn’t until you reach puberty that the two halves bind together to form a sturdy supporting structure. This means that our orthodontic team can use that permeability to give your teeth space to grow. We can also align your upper jaw with your lower jaw for the best alignment and bite. 

Dr. Damon makes custom palatal expanders using a digital scan of your upper jaw and teeth. We send your scan to a lab where the data is turned into a high-grade metal appliance that we place on the molar teeth in the back of the mouth. The device consists of two halves that are connected in the center by a screw that you will be instructed to turn with a special key on a specified schedule. This process takes time as it keeps pressure on both halves of the jaw bone, causing them to widen as intended. This is usually left on for a specific amount of time after the desired results are achieved to allow time for the bone to get used to its new position.

Different Types of Palatal Expanders

There are different types of palate expanders depending on the adjustments needed for your specific jaw. Some expanders are removable and some are fixed. However, all palatal expanders are individualized to your palate shape and size. Let’s look at some of the options in orthodontic expanders. 

Removable Palate Expander

If you need only minor jaw corrections, you may best benefit from a removable option. There are many brands, but in general, this appliance looks similar to a clear aligner tray with a screw in the center. This option will need to be worn twenty-four hours a day. However, it does not require a longer treatment time. Removable palatal expanders don’t always require daily screw tightening like permanent appliances. 

Fixed Palate Expander

The fixed palate expander, also called the rapid palate expander (RPE), is a system of bands attached to corresponding back molars that connect high in the center of the roof of the mouth with a screw. Dr. Damon will give you a special key with instructions on how and when to use it to rotate the screw, maintaining adequate pressure for mouth expansion.

Everything You Need to Know About Palatal Expanders

Who Needs a Palatal Expander?

Patients with many different types of problems can benefit from this specific orthodontic treatment. Palatal expanders expand the roof of your mouth and widen your upper jaw. Malocclusions like an overbite can lead to complications like jaw and head pain, tooth decay, gum disease, and sleep apnea. Having a narrow jaw can affect tooth alignment, leading to impaction and broken teeth or even obstruction of permanent teeth that have yet to grow in. Both of these dental corrections can be made with help from a palatal expander.

Before you reach puberty, your bones are still growing and forming, which makes them softer than adult bones. This is also true for your jawbones. Why is this important? It means that this treatment is quicker and most effective when used on children before adult teeth are entirely in place. 

Considerations and Alternatives

Just like any other orthodontic treatment, palatal expanders require time, work, and effort. While they may sound painful, it’s nothing more than minor discomfort. Usually, that discomfort only lasts a few minutes after adjusting the screw. Just like with braces, palatal expanders may take some time to get used to as your tongue rests against the expander. This can make speaking, chewing, and swallowing a bit difficult. Chances are, you are the only one that notices, and you’ll get used to it in about a week. 

Orthodontic treatment with a palatal expander can often cause space to form between your upper front two teeth. This is completely normal and the gap closes on its own, but braces might be an excellent option for some patients to maintain this change. You may experience some drooling, a lisp, or even some mild headaches during your treatment, especially after tightening the central screw.  

There may be some instances where an alternative option to palatal expanders may be better. If this is the case, Dr. Damon can recommend traditional braces, removal of impacted or overcrowded teeth, or even jaw surgery to correct the spacing in your jaw.

Everything You Need to Know About Palatal Expanders

Trust your smile with Szymanowski Orthodontics 

Caring for your smile is important, especially when you’re going through orthodontic treatment. No matter what orthodontic goals you have, you deserve the right team to guide you every step of the way.

If you have any questions or concerns about orthodontic care, our expert team is always happy to walk you through the treatment process. If you’d like to learn more about being proactive on your journey towards a more confident smile, get in touch with us today to schedule a FREE consultation or follow-up appointment with Szymanowski Orthodontics in Sacramento!

The Different Types of Braces

Modern orthodontics has come a long way since headgear and goopy impressions. With advanced technology, you can get the smile of your dreams with more comfortable treatments, faster treatment times, and personalized care from Szymanowski Orthodontics. The best part is that we have a wide range of treatment options to choose from, so you’ll feel confident that your smile is in good hands. If you’re ready to learn about the different types of braces, Dr. Szymanowski and our team have you covered. Keep reading to learn more!

Who Benefits From Orthodontic Treatment?

Braces and clear aligners are excellent options for people of any age, condition, or background. At your first consultation, our doctors will assess your unique orthodontic condition and determine whether you’re a good fit for braces.

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that children attend their first orthodontic appointment at the age of seven, but about one in every five of our patients are adults. Anyone of any age can benefit from braces. Braces are a great way to treat conditions like: 

  • Crowded teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Protruding teeth
  • Overbites 
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Impacted teeth

With a wide variety of treatment methods and the skills to put them to work, our team at Szymanowski Orthodontics can correct any of the above issues so you can feel confident in your smile. 

Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces have been around for a long time, and they’re probably the most recognizable symbol of orthodontics. These orthodontic workhouses have a long history of successful treatment and are great at correcting many oral issues. 

In the past, metal braces may have been awkward and obvious, but modern metal braces are much smaller, more discreet, and more comfortable than ever before. Using a system of brackets and wires, our doctors straighten your teeth by adjusting the connective wire over time.  These adjustments typically occur every six to eight weeks and help shift your teeth in line for the perfect smile. 

Metal braces are great at fixing complex tooth issues. They work faster at closing gaps and aligning teeth than other treatments, potentially shortening treatment time. Treatment time depends on the severity of your condition but typically ranges from 12-36 months. 

They’re also the most cost-effective option because they don’t require some of the more complex technology or expensive equipment that newer treatments do. The strength, durability, and affordability of traditional metal braces make them our most popular treatment plan year after year. 

Clear Braces

Clear braces are also called ceramic braces or aesthetic braces, and they work in the same way as metal braces. Designed to provide patients with a more subtle treatment option, clear braces use white brackets that blend in with your teeth for a less noticeable effect. 

Most patients’ biggest concern is staining. The ceramic material doesn’t stain, but the glue beneath the bracket might, so some patients avoid certain foods. However, if you maintain a good oral hygiene routine, you shouldn’t have to worry about staining. 

Many of our Sacramento patients choose clear braces over traditional metal braces because they provide the best of both worlds. Clear braces are both a durable treatment plan that works for all orthodontic conditions and a more aesthetic option. For older teens or adults, clear braces are an excellent choice to meet all your orthodontic needs. 

Fortunately, at Szymanowski Orthodontics, you can get clear braces for the same price as metal braces!

The Different Types of Braces


Straightening your teeth with Invisalign can be a great option if you want the least noticeable treatment. Using a series of customized clear aligner trays, Invisalign straightens your smile without the bulky brackets and wires of traditional metal or clear braces. 

As our most flexible treatment option, Invisalign allows you to straighten your teeth without changing your diet or oral hygiene routine like you would have to with metal braces. We offer Invisalign for children, teens, and adults alike. 

Invisalign Teen: Made just for teens, these clear aligner trays make it easy to straighten teeth discreetly and effectively. They come with special buttons on the back of the trays that change color when your teen wears them for the appropriate amount of time. This helps Dr. Szymanowski ensure that they’re keeping up with their treatment plan. 

Fixed Appliances vs. Removable Appliances 

Now that you know more about the different types of braces, it is important to understand the difference between fixed and removable appliances. Fixed appliances like clear and metal braces are attached to your teeth and cannot be removed until your treatment is complete. Removable appliances like Invisalign’s clear aligner system are worn for 20-22 hours per day and can be removed easily for meals, sports, or brushing your teeth. 

Aside from the obvious differences, Invisalign removable aligners are best for treating mild to moderate orthodontic problems. Our doctors usually recommend fixed appliances for more severe and comprehensive issues. 

The Different Types of Braces

Start Your Smile Journey With Szymanowski Orthodontics!

With three different treatment options that work for patients of all ages, you’ll find everything you need at Szymanowski Orthodontics. Whether you choose traditional metal braces, clear braces, or Invisalign, you’ll see noticeable improvements in just months! 

At Szymanowski Orthodontics, our team is here to make you smile. Our patients in Sacramento love visiting our office, and we love seeing our patients! If you’re ready to get started on your smile journey, follow us on Instagram and schedule your free consultation with Dr. Szymanowski today. 

When Do I Get My Braces Off?

Our team at Szymanowski Orthodontics knows that your only goal is to get your braces off and reveal that beautiful smile. We are here to make that happen! But first, you’ve got to wear them for the entire duration of your treatment plan, and many factors play into how long that treatment might take. We know you want to know when you will get your braces off, and although we can’t give you a definitive answer for how long it will take, here are a few variables that play into treatment length. 

How Old You Are

No matter how old you are, you deserve a beautiful smile — and our team at Szymanowski Orthodontics can give that to you! We serve patients of all ages, so whether you’re seven or seventy-five, you can have the straight teeth you want. However, braces take different times for different age groups when it comes to treatment length. 

For example, we recommend children come in as early as seven years old for their first orthodontic visit. Most kids don’t need braces this early in life, but some do, and they might require two-phase treatment. Because this plan requires two rounds of treatment to give the desired effects, treatment for younger children might take longer than average. 

Likewise, patients over the age of eighteen require longer treatment times overall. Because their bones are done growing, adult patients don’t have the flexibility that younger patients do, leading to longer treatments. 

Don’t let that age keep you from getting the smile you deserve, though! With a range of treatment plans, Dr. Szymanowski will find the one that works for you and your smile.

Your Treatment Plan

First thing’s first: traditional metal braces aren’t your only treatment option! At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we offer metal braces, clear braces, and Invisalign clear aligners, and Dr. Szymanowski may recommend any one of them, depending on your condition. Each appliance has its pros and cons, and the orthodontic treatment plan you choose affects how long you’ll have to wear them. 

Invisalign: These clear removable aligners can straighten your teeth without metal wires or brackets. The aligners are custom-made using Dr. Szymanowski’s expertise and 3-D computer virtual imaging technology. On average, Invisalign treatment takes one year to achieve the desired effect. 

Metal Braces: Dr. Szymanowski uses the Damon System for traditional metal braces. These self-ligating braces are made of brackets and wires that align your teeth over time. Each bracket is self-ligating, with a built-in door that holds the wire passively to the bracket. Metal braces can take anywhere from six months to three years to correct your smile. 

Clear Braces: This treatment option works just like metal braces. As a more discreet treatment option, these braces use white ceramic brackets instead of silver to blend in with your teeth. Depending on your orthodontic condition, you can expect to wear clear braces between six months and three years.

When Do I Get My Braces Off?

Your Unique Needs

No smile is exactly the same, and that means treatment times are different for everyone, too! If you’re a patient with more complex orthodontic issues, you can expect longer treatment times. Milder orthodontic problems generally mean less time spent in braces. 

Your Compliance

The role you play in your orthodontic treatment is just as important as Dr. Szymanowski’s! The better you take care of your smile and follow the Szymanowski Orthodontics team’s instructions, the shorter your treatment will be. Follow these tips for the best results: 

Take care of your braces: Part of following Dr. Szymanowski’s instructions means you care for your braces or Invisalign appliances. By avoiding sticky or crunchy foods that can weaken the bond strength of your brackets, you can decrease your treatment time overall. 

Sometimes brackets come loose even when we do our best to keep them safe, but you must schedule another appointment with Dr. Szymanowski as soon as possible to fix the issue. Your braces won’t work while the brackets aren’t glued down, so a broken bracket or wire could increase treatment time.  

Stick to the plan: Following Dr. Szymanowski’s directions greatly determines how long you’ll have to wear braces. Compliance keeps your teeth and gums healthy, and good oral hygiene means shorter treatment times. 

Following all of these instructions can sometimes decrease your total treatment time. On the other hand, failing to follow these directions can slow treatment down. 

Keep your appointments: It is essential to your treatment plan to attend every orthodontic appointment you can. Dr. Szymanowski needs to meet with you once every 6-8 weeks to assess your progress and your body’s reaction to braces. 

Sometimes things come up, and that’s okay! Just let us know as soon as possible so we can reschedule your appointment and keep your treatment plan on track. 

Keep This In Mind 

Retainers are maintainers! 

Orthodontic treatment doesn’t end when your braces come off. In fact, removal day is only your midway point! That’s because there are two parts to orthodontic treatment: active treatment and retention. 

Retention is the phase after orthodontic treatment is complete when you wear your retainer as often as possible. Retention is just as important as active treatment and can make or break your long-lasting smile! 

Without your orthodontic appliance constantly holding your teeth in place, they are likely to shift back to their original positions — and you don’t want to have to get braces to straighten them all over again, do you? Wear your retainer as directed, and you’ll be done with braces for good. 

When Do I Get My Braces Off?

We Make Sacramento Smile!

For 50 years, your smile has been our top priority. We know it can be frustrating waiting for your braces to come off, but we also know you’re going to love the result. Hang in there! 

If you haven’t scheduled your free consultation with our Sacramento team yet, contact us to get started today!


Sports Safety & Orthodontic Emergencies

Calling all athletes — this one is for you! Getting braces is a huge milestone for people of all ages, but if you’re an athlete working on your athletic career, you may be a little concerned about how they will affect your game. 

Many of our sports-minded patients are worried that they’ll have to put a pause on their favorite games while they go through treatment. Fortunately, that’s not the case. At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we treat athletes at all stages of their careers, from slow-pitch baseball to competitive cheerleading. 

Dr. Damon believes that nothing should hold you back from a beautiful smile. With the proper care, you’ll be able to tackle the field and get your smile in gear, all at the same time. Read below to find out how to keep yourself safe with braces – and what to do if you get hurt. 

Choose Your Treatment

Like most of our patients, the most important step for athletes is choosing the treatment option that fits their lifestyle. Be sure to tell us that you’re living an active life, what sport you’re involved in, and when you’ll be starting. All of this information can help us determine which orthodontic treatment method will work best for you so that you can keep your head in the game. 

Lucky for you, our team at Szymanowski Orthodontics has a range of different treatment methods that will make your choice easy. 

Metal Braces

As the traditional option, metal braces are often the first that come to mind when considering orthodontic treatment. These braces work by tightening the wire attached to a bracket glued to each tooth. With gentle, continuous pressure, your teeth are aligned over a period of 12-36 months, depending on the severity of your case, your mouth’s response to treatment, and your desired outcome. With metal braces, you will need to wear a mouthguard to protect yourself when engaging in physical activity.

Clear Braces

Clear braces work the same way as metal braces. The difference is that clear braces use white ceramic brackets that blend in with the color of your teeth and provide a less noticeable appearance. Because this method is almost identical to metal braces, you’ll need to wear a protective mouthguard with these as well. 


This removable treatment option uses a series of clear trays that adjust your teeth without the use of wires or brackets. Because they are clear, this option allows you to straighten your teeth with an almost invisible look. By wearing these trays for 22 hours per day for 9-15 months, you’ll see results in no time. With this treatment method, you could simply remove the trays for the duration of the physical activity – but don’t forget to put them back in as soon as you are done!

Sports Safety & Orthodontic Emergencies

Take Care of Your Braces — Wear a Protective Mouthguard

Whether you’re playing football, volleyball, gymnastics, or cheerleading, wearing a mouthguard is an absolute necessity. Most dentists recommend using a mouthguard during sports even if you don’t have braces, but it is especially important when you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. 

Not wearing a mouthguard means you risk harming yourself and your braces, which could be painful and expensive. The best way to ensure you can play your favorite sport and straighten your smile is to wear that mouthguard! 

Regular Sports Mouthguard

This mouthguard is designed for general sports use and can easily be found at any sporting goods store near you. Convenient and affordable, sports mouthguards protect your teeth, lips, and jaw from any blunt force that may occur while engaging in physical activity. 

While they are an excellent option for athletes without braces to consider, these may not be the best choice for athletes undergoing orthodontic treatment. That’s because they are not designed with braces in mind and may not even cover your teeth completely, meaning the risk of injury is still pretty high. 

Over-the-Counter Mouthguard

You can find these mouthguards at your local pharmacy. Because they are moldable, they offer a fit specific to your mouth. They are also an affordable and convenient option.

While they are far more protective than regular sports mouthguards, the over-the-counter option is not designed for use with orthodontics. Because they are meant to prevent individuals from grinding their teeth in their sleep rather than prevent injury, you may still experience a loose fit over your braces. 

Orthodontic Mouthguard

By far the best option for preventing injury and protecting your braces while you participate in athletics, the sole purpose of orthodontic mouthguards is to ensure your braces are safe on the field or in the gym. They are also designed to fit your braces precisely, giving you the best fit possible. Orthodontic mouthguards may be a little more expensive, but they are durable, long-lasting, and practical, meaning you should have no worries about after-school practice.

Remember, having any mouthguard is better than not having one at all – but make sure you consider your options carefully so that you can keep yourself safe no matter the sport you’re playing. 

Take Care of Yourself During an Emergency

Typically, athletes are aware of the general risks of participating in their favorite sport or activity. As with anything in life, you could get hurt. But this shouldn’t be a reason to worry, even if you’re living an active life with braces. We all know that accidents happen, but Dr. Damon has some tips for handling an orthodontic emergency if they do. 

The most important step is to stay calm and rest easy knowing that there are a series of trustworthy steps that you can take to ensure their injuries are taken care of. Common orthodontic injuries seen on the field include fractured teeth, missing teeth, or extruded or intruded teeth. 

It is critical to get immediate care if any of these injuries occur. Be sure to call your orthodontist as soon as possible to set up an appointment to address the orthodontic side of your injury. Depending on the severity of the case, you may want to go to the emergency room. 

Sports Safety & Orthodontic Emergencies

Keep Your Head in the Game With Szymanowski Orthodontics

Are you an all-star athlete? Szymanowski Orthodontics is your number one fan. Dr. Damon believes you shouldn’t have to choose between a great smile and your favorite sport. By following these guidelines, you’ll be on your way to victory. 

If you haven’t set up your free consultation yet, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started today. 

Tips for Brushing with Braces

One of the most exciting things about getting braces is looking forward to the day that you get them off. The goal is that when we remove your brackets, we’ll reveal perfectly straight, pearly white teeth and a bright and shining smile. Although getting your teeth straight is our job, the pearly white part? That’s your responsibility, and it requires knowing how to brush your teeth with braces. 

Whether you’ve just gotten your braces or you’ve been wearing them like a pro, it can be difficult to know if your teeth are truly being cleaned beneath all those brackets and wires. Between worrying about harming your braces and making sure your teeth stay bright and white, the process may feel overwhelming, but don’t worry! The Szymanowski Orthodontics team has all the oral hygiene tips and tricks you need to make sure brushing with braces is a breeze. 

Brush After Every Meal

It may feel like second nature to brush your teeth morning and night. However, when braces come into the picture, the best way to ensure your teeth are clean is to brush them after each meal. The reason is that plaque can form quickly after eating, and plaque has a lot more places to hide when braces and wires and rubber bands are on your teeth. Brushing after every meal means plaque never gets the chance to form, and even if you do miss a section when brushing, you are much more likely to clean it later if you are brushing your teeth more often. 

Use Your Home Care Kit

The day we put your braces on, Szymanowski Orthodontics will give you a goody bag filled with helpful tools that will help you keep your teeth clean. The essential items included in this kit are a toothbrush, proxabrush, and floss threader. Each of these tools allows you to clean around and between each bracket and tooth. 

A soft-bristled toothbrush is your recommended tool for brushing. The soft bristles protect the metal on your brackets. Your proxabrush is designed to scrub between brackets and underneath the wires so that you don’t have to worry about missing any sections. Some orthodontic toothbrushes even come with a proxabrush head. 

Your floss threader works like a needle to help you to floss beneath the wires to remove all food particles and hidden plaque

Tips for Brushing with Braces

Understand How to Brush

Even though this seems obvious, brushing teeth with braces is an added dental challenge! Because of this challenge, you may need to relearn some of your old brushing methods. 

To begin, you’ll need to use a gentle, circular motion with your toothbrush. Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle on the top and bottom of your brackets to be sure to clean each tooth thoroughly. That means you will be brushing in three different positions for each part of your mouth for at least 30 seconds each. 

Don’t forget to brush the backs of your teeth, along your gum line, and your tongue! Plaque is pesky and can hide anywhere!

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Rinsing!

Rinsing your mouth with water, mouthwash, or even a water flosser is a great way to maintain the cleanliness of your teeth throughout the day. Not only does rinsing keep your breath smelling fresh, but it also removes food particles that can easily become lodged in between brackets or teeth. You don’t want to “save your food for later,” and regular rinsing can help make sure you don’t.

Water flossers are excellent tools for keeping your mouth rinsed and clean. Like regular dental floss, water flossers like the WaterPik use a steady stream of water to dislodge food particles from those hard-to-reach places in your mouth. Although they can’t replace regular dental floss, they are a perfect supplement for your rinsing routine. 

Understand Why Brushing is Important 

If you have been brushing your teeth your whole life, it makes sense to wonder why you have to change your routine with braces. After all, isn’t brushing obvious? While the simple 2-minute method of brushing that your dentist taught you is the best way to manage your teeth without braces, it is only a foundation for brushing with braces. There are multiple extra steps you need to take when brushing with braces, and knowing why makes all the difference. 

Typically, poor brushing isn’t very noticeable until the day your braces are taken off. We sometimes find discoloration around the area the bracket was attached when this happens. Permanent white spots may form on your teeth, causing a bleached-out look on only some parts of each tooth. Because these spots form around the bracket, it can be very apparent that they are due to poor brushing around braces. In other cases, even more noticeable brown spots are left behind. 

For patients who have worn braces for years, it can be very disappointing to wind up with straight but spotty teeth. That’s why our list of tips for brushing with braces is about to become your best friend!

Tips for Brushing with Braces

Find the Right Orthodontist For You at Szymanowski Orthodontics

One of the most important aspects of getting the most out of your journey with braces is making sure the team behind you knows how to support you. The Szymanowski Orthodontics team has years of experience and training – that means we know how to guide your smile success story from beginning to end without a hitch. When questions come up, whether they’re about brushing your teeth with braces or learning which treatment method is suitable for your unique smile, our team is here for you. 

Haven’t set up a free consultation yet? Don’t hold back – schedule it today!

Can Orthodontics Fix Facial Asymmetry?

It is no secret that social media is king, especially among our youth. While social media brings with it some perks, like that feeling of interconnectedness we all crave, it also carries its share of cons as well. As filters cover up more and more of our natural features, they have a tricky way of highlighting the imperfections we perceive in ourselves as soon as we put the camera down. Almost all of us are susceptible to the face-tuning trend that turns selfies into visions of unattainable perfection, and the trend is causing patients in the orthodontic world to turn to their doctors for an answer to one glaring question: Can orthodontics fix my facial asymmetry? 

Facial asymmetry can be a source of insecurity for many people. While our team at Szymanowski Orthodontics encourages a healthy sense of body positivity – and perhaps a little less time spent on Snapchat – we are here to explain the orthodontics behind facial asymmetry and ways you can gain back your self-confidence without the filters. 

What is facial asymmetry, anyway?

Facial asymmetry is the imbalance of an individual’s facial structures on either side of their face. It is important to remember that nearly everyone has some degree of facial asymmetry. It is part of being human to have some slight asymmetry which could be caused by genetics, facial growth as you get older, or the way your jaw is structured. 

Usually, this slight asymmetry goes unnoticed or is even considered to be an integral part of what makes you you, but in some more severe cases of asymmetry, anxieties and insecurities may arise. Asymmetries may cause a “weak” chin, sunken cheeks, or double chins, and many patients with more noticeable cases feel pressed to find a solution. 

When it comes to the orthodontic side of facial asymmetry, we typically chalk it up to the type of bite you have…

Underbites, Overbites, and Crossbites, Oh My!

Everyone’s mouth is different, and everyone has some type of bite that falls into one of several categories. Each bite pattern is telling of your jaw structure, and jaw structure plays a huge role in facial symmetry. The first step your orthodontist will take toward addressing your facial asymmetry concerns is determining your bite pattern. 


Overbites are arguably the most common bite pattern. If your top teeth overlap your bottom teeth when your mouth is closed, you may have an overbite. Not every overbite is in need of correction, but more severe overbites may cause your chin to have a receding appearance known as a “weak” chin. 


Underbites are recognized by a protruding lower jaw that causes the bottom teeth to rest in front of the top teeth when your mouth is closed. People with underbites may see the greatest change in facial symmetry with the implementation of an orthodontic treatment plan. 


Crossbites consist of what looks like a mix of the above two malocclusions (bite patterns), so that in this pattern, some of the front teeth overlap the bottom teeth and some rest behind the bottom teeth. 

Open Bite

You will recognize an open bite by the distinctive gap between the top and bottom teeth – they don’t meet in the middle. While this bite pattern can pose a range of issues including difficulty chewing, it can also cause the face to appear longer, meaning that people with this bite pattern may also see significant results with orthodontic treatment. 

Can Orthodontics Fix Facial Asymmetry? 2

How can my orthodontist help with asymmetry? 

Asymmetry is best addressed when caught at a young age. This is because the jawline and face structure are still growing and changing which means they adapt much more readily to orthodontic treatment. Even still, facial asymmetry can still be corrected in older patients as well with the use of braces and, in more severe cases, corrective jaw surgery. 

Typically, however, depending on the unique characteristics of your teeth, your orthodontist will use one of several treatment methods to attempt to bring your bite pattern to a more neutral position in a process called intercuspation. The goal of intercuspation is to align your teeth, and the hope is that by aligning your teeth, the angles of your face and jaw are adjusted to produce a more symmetrical effect without actually, physically changing any of your other facial features. Szymanowski Orthodontics offers the treatment options below to help you feel more attractive. 

Metal Braces

As the traditional option, metal braces are often the first that come to mind when considering orthodontic treatment. These braces work by tightening the wire attached to a bracket glued to each tooth. With gentle, continuous pressure, your teeth are aligned over a period of 12-36 months, depending on the severity of your case, your mouth’s response to treatment, and your desired outcome.

Clear Braces

Clear braces work the same way as metal braces. The difference is that clear braces use white, ceramic brackets that blend in with the color of your teeth and provide a less noticeable appearance.


Sacramento Invisalign is a removable treatment option uses a series of clear trays that adjust your teeth without the use of wires or brackets. Because they are clear, this option allows you to straighten your teeth with a look that is almost invisible. By wearing these trays for 22 hours per day for 9-15 months, you’ll see results in no time. 

Can Orthodontics Fix Facial Asymmetry? 3

Szymanowski Orthodontics Gets the Job Done

At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we work one-on-one with our patients to get them the results they desire. Although we sincerely hope you don’t let insecurities around facial asymmetry get in the way of your unique and beautiful smile, we know that orthodontic treatment can be a step in the right direction to addressing your concerns. If you’re ready to meet with one of our doctors to discuss how orthodontics might help you, schedule an appointment here for one of our free consultations!

Questions to Ask When Choosing an Orthodontist

A successful orthodontic treatment experience isn’t just about receiving professional and gentle care. You also need to trust that your doctor and your orthodontic team have your best interests in mind and at heart. 

Here at Szymanowski Orthodontics, we prioritize patient education because you should always know what’s going on with your treatment. So, we know you deserve an experienced orthodontist that helps you feel empowered from your first appointment to your most recent.

But what else should you be asking? To help you begin your orthodontic journey, we’ve put together this list of questions to ask before committing to an orthodontic practice for treatment. 

Is the doctor a trained orthodontic specialist?

You would think this is a no-brainer for your decision-making, but you might also be surprised to find out that just because your dentist offers orthodontic treatment that doesn’t mean they are specially trained in orthodontics. Many general dentists also provide braces treatment and clear aligner therapy in addition to standard dental services such as cleanings, fillings, crowns, and dentures. While an orthodontist, on the other hand, specializes only in providing orthodontic services. 

After a dentist has completed their undergraduate medical education, they must attend a graduate school specifically for dentistry and pass a certification exam before beginning their general dentistry work. The same goes for orthodontists, except they must attend an extremely competitive orthodontic residency program after their general dentistry certification. These programs typically last another 2 to 3 years and include full-time training meaning the orthodontist has:

  • Studied the growth and maturation of teeth and jaw
  • Been introduced to numerous case studies
  • Developed diagnostic skills
  • Learned biomechanical techniques to properly move teeth
  • Studied how to change the development of the dental alveolar complex and facial growth of younger patients

While there are some exceptions, most dentists simply will not possess this level of in-depth orthodontic training and experience. If you are looking for foundational oral health maintenance, trust your dentist. But, if you need specialized orthodontic care, the Szymanowski name has been well-known within the local dental community for more than 40 years. At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we’re a family, and we work as a unit to make sure patients receive top-quality care in a professional, comfortable environment. 

Questions to Ask When Choosing an Orthodontist

What treatment options does the orthodontist offer?

Most patients we treat choose traditional metal braces to straighten their teeth, and while this is the most common option, you have several other options available to reach your smile goals quickly and effectively. By pairing state-of-the-art technology with our thorough understanding of the movement during facial growth, Szymanowski Orthodontics can successfully treat many dental issues based on your unique needs and goals using metal braces, clear braces, Invisalign, lingual braces, jaw surgery, facial growth treatment, and accelerated orthodontics, like mini implants and diode laser. 

Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces are the most widely used type of fixed orthodontic appliance. Though past incarnations have been bulky, awkward, and painful, today’s metal braces are smaller, lighter, and more comfortable. And at Szymanowski Orthodontics, we use self-ligating braces. These eliminate the need for rubber bands and make your treatment more comfortable and effective. 

Clear Braces

Ceramic braces use the same components as traditional metal braces, but instead of metal, the brackets on the front side of the teeth are made of a transparent or tooth-colored ceramic material. This makes clear braces a common choice for teenagers and older patients who do not like the aesthetic of the metal look. Clear braces require more care as the ceramic pieces can break and the clear adhesive used to attach them to your teeth is prone to staining depending on your eating and cleaning habits. 


Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign treatment doesn’t rely on a system of metal or ceramic brackets and wires. Instead, it comprises a series of invisible, removable acrylic trays that straighten your teeth by applying steady pressure on your teeth as you wear them. They are replaced every 1 to 2 weeks to make this adjustment gradually. Though you can remove them to eat and brush your teeth, you will need to wear them about 22 hours a day for them to be effective. 

Corrective Jaw Surgery

Corrective jaw surgery, or orthognathic surgery, treats abnormalities associated with facial bones, specifically your jaws and teeth. These abnormalities can interfere with your ability to talk, sleep, and enjoy your current lifestyle and even cause sleep apnea, snoring, and TMJ pain. When paired with orthodontic treatment, jaw surgery can correct these concerns and improve the overall appearance of your facial profile. Our doctor works with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon as a team to ensure that if you need surgical orthodontics, you will receive the best care possible.


Retention is how you maintain that smile you and Dr. Szymanowski have worked so hard to achieve. When your braces are removed, you will be given two retainers. The upper retainer is usually removable, and the lower retainer is usually “fixed” or glued to the inside of your front teeth. Dr. Szymanowski may prescribe a different retainer that fits your specific needs and will likely recommend wearing your retainers indefinitely. 


AcceleDent utilizes micropulse technology to speed up the orthodontic process. By placing the mouthpiece, which has been formed to fit around your existing orthodontics, in your mouth and turning on the activator for 20 minutes a day, you can speed up the process of getting a beautiful smile by up to 50%. This option drastically reduces total treatment time as well as the number of appointments you’ll have to attend at Szymanowski Orthodontics. 

How frequent are follow-up appointments with the orthodontist? 

While your exact follow-up timing will vary depending on the orthodontic treatment plan you and our expert team determine is right for you, we will schedule most patients’ adjustment appointments for about every four to eight weeks. Patients using Invisalign may be seen slightly less frequently, but regardless, these appointments are crucial for your overall orthodontic process!

The average process will take anywhere from 8 to 36 months to achieve your perfect smile, but visible results are evident as early as the first few months with most treatment plans. We know you’re busy, and we value your time, just give us a heads up if you’re running late or need to reschedule, but don’t forget that your participation in the follow-up care is just as important. Questions to Ask When Choosing an Orthodontist

Trust your smile to the experts at Szymanowski Orthodontics

At Szymanowski Orthodontics, our team is committed to giving you a smile you’ve always wanted – and the one you deserve. We are the location for modern orthodontic treatment. Our office is conveniently located to serve the Sacramento area better, and this means excellent orthodontic care is only a few minutes from your home, school, or work. 

There’s never been a better time to reach for the smile you’ve always wanted, so get in touch today to schedule your FREE consultation with our expert orthodontic team!

10 Braces Myths You Need to Know

Do you think about starting orthodontic treatment in 2022? Naturally, it’s normal to feel nervous about braces, especially if you have heard some rumors and myths surrounding the treatment process. Don’t worry; we’re here to help set the record straight! Like anything new in life, braces require a period of adjustment, but many of the things you may be worried about are unlikely to occur. Let’s take a look at the ten most common myths about braces, why they’re wrong, and what you can expect from your journey with Szymanowski Orthodontics

Braces only work for teens

When you hear the term “orthodontics,” do you first think of a teen in a complete set of metal braces? This stereotype has had its fair share of power in pop culture. Many are surprised that orthodontic treatment is beneficial for patients of all ages! There is no age limit on achieving the smile you’ve always wanted, and this can help improve your self-confidence and better your oral health.

Braces will inhibit your ability to play certain instruments

One of the biggest misconceptions about braces is that they will affect your ability to play instruments. But, this couldn’t be further from the truth. There will be a slight adjustment period when getting started with orthodontic treatment. Still, you nor your child will not have to miss out on any performances and will be able to continue to make beautiful music! 

The number of adjustments needed will depend on the type of instrument you play. Typically, brass instruments will require more since players press their lips directly into the mouthpiece. In comparison, woodwind instruments use less direct contact with the mouthpiece, making them slightly easier to adjust. 

Braces will severely limit what you can eat

One of the most significant learning curves an orthodontic patient faces is food restrictions. In order to protect your teeth and braces, it’s essential to avoid anything sticky or crunchy throughout your treatment process. This also includes things like popcorn, raw veggies like apples and carrots, and candy with nuts, caramel, or other chewy bits. But remember, this is only temporary and that there are plenty of delicious foods you can still enjoy! While food restrictions are a mild inconvenience, it will be more than worth it when your beautiful new smile is revealed.

10 Braces Myths You Need to Know

Braces have to hurt in order to work

Your braces will not cause any long-term discomfort or pain, so don’t let this myth scare you! This is one of the biggest concerns new patients have about the treatment process, and fortunately, it’s completely unfounded. While there may be some mild discomfort when the braces are first put on, just remember that this is only temporary as your teeth learn to adjust. You may also experience some irritation or soreness following your adjustment appointments. But, this will resolve itself after a short period. 

The metal in your braces will set off metal detectors

We hear this mentioned a lot from patients that travel frequently. Going through airport security is stressful enough; you shouldn’t need to worry about setting off the metal detectors! The high-quality metals used to create wires and brackets are not made from the same materials that a metal detector will look for. So rest assured that no one will even notice your braces when traveling where metal detectors are present. Unless, of course, you show them your beautiful smile.

Braces straighten your teeth forever

This one may be more wishful thinking than myth! While braces are an excellent solution for straightening your teeth and correcting your bite, our teeth aren’t fond of being moved from their original positions. This is why it takes a great deal of pressure from aligners or braces to shift them. However, that level of support cannot be maintained indefinitely.

The wires on your braces will require frequent changes

The wires on your braces will need to be changed occasionally, but this won’t happen at every visit. It’s essential to attend regular follow-up visits throughout your treatment process. These visits mainly consist of Dr. Szymanowski checking your teeth movement, ensuring that everything progresses smoothly, and making minor adjustments.

You will use a customized retainer, which will apply more pressure. The retainer itself will apply less pressure than your braces did, but it’s essential for keeping your teeth from shifting back to their original placement. It’s important to give your mouth time to grow the support it needs to keep your teeth in their new places once your braces are removed. This can happen faster than you’d think! In the first year post-treatment, your teeth can start shifting in as little as a few days

All of that to say, using your retainer regularly will help ensure that your newly straightened teeth are where they need to be. This also allows them to heal fully post-braces and permanently settle into new positions. 

Braces will take years to straighten your smile

Your estimated treatment time will depend on several factors as there is no one-size-fits-all answer due to everyone’s smile being unique. It can depend on how your teeth respond to treatment, the desired improvements, the severity of your case, and more. On average, a patient will spend anywhere from 12-36 months in treatment, but this may be longer or shorter for you. 

Braces often allow you to see signs of improvement in a short period of time. This glimpse of your new smile will be exciting and an extra boost of encouragement as you continue the process. 

Braces are only useful for straightening teeth

Not only are braces good at straightening your teeth, but they can also help resolve other oral health issues. Misaligned jaws and teeth may increase difficulty with everyday tasks like speaking, eating and caring for your teeth. We will be able to address and correct these issues in orthodontic treatment. Braces also have several other hidden benefits, including improved digestion, oral health, chewing, and speech.

Braces are the only option for straightening your teeth 

You may be thinking that traditional braces are the most effective way to straighten and correct your smile, but they’re not! Szymanowski Orthodontics offers clear ceramic braces and Invisalign clear aligners to our patients in Sacramento. Each option can correct a wide variety of issues and help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. However, it is essential to remember that what works well for one patient may not be the best fit for another. When you schedule your free consultation with Dr. Szymanowski, he’ll be able to examine your teeth and recommend the option that will work best for your specific needs.

10 Braces Myths You Need to Know

Find your best smile with braces by Szymanowski Orthodontics

We appreciate your trust in our expert team, as choosing braces is a big decision. Our #1 goal is to provide you with a rewarding orthodontic experience and personalized treatment plan so that you can see exceptional results. Whether you are considering braces or already have an appointment, we’re here for you! Get in touch to schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Szymanowski or to talk through your concerns with us! Your satisfaction is as important to us as your smile.