Braces FAQs

If you’re thinking about getting braces, you probably have a few questions about the whole process. This is completely normal since any orthodontic treatment can be quite stressful to many patients. The best tool to assuage some of this stress is a knowledge of the treatment process. If you know what to expect, then there will be less that catches you off guard when you find yourself sitting in the orthodontist’s chair.

The following questions and answers are meant to give you a general understanding of the braces-installation process, daily life with your braces, and what to expect once they’re taken off. While this information can certainly be helpful, you should always ask your orthodontist about the particulars of your situation. At Szymanowski Ortho, we make sure that our patients understand everything possible about their treatment before any appliance is installed. An ongoing, open discourse between orthodontic professionals and patients makes the experience better for everyone, and we strive to make sure that happens.


  • Do braces hurt?

Braces should never really ‘hurt.’ You should expect some soreness and mild discomfort for a few days after braces are installed or tightened, but serious pain should not be on the menu. Over-the-counter pain medication will help with the initial soreness before it peters out on its own. If you experience serious pain, you should talk to your orthodontist immediately to get advice on what to do next.


  • What problems can be solved with braces?

Braces are effective!Braces can be employed to solve multiple orthodontic problems. One of the most common is gapped or crowded teeth. The brackets and wires gently guide your teeth into alignment over time, ending in a healthy, aesthetically pleasing finished product. They can also be used to fix malocclusions (bad bites). Both of these problems can lead to poor dental hygiene, tooth wear, gum damage, and jaw joint problems if left untreated. The avoidance of these scenarios is one reason why braces are so important.


  • How long does treatment with braces last?

The length of the treatment is dependent upon the severity of the problem. In almost every case, braces are off between 2-30 months after treatment begins. Usually, we say that a standard case calls for about 18 months in braces. While this might seem like a wide range, it’s important to remember that braces are used to treat both mild and severe cases. Your orthodontist will be able to give you a precise timeframe for your treatment.


  • Will I have to have teeth removed before my braces are installed?

In order to correct certain misalignments or cases of crowded teeth, it is sometimes necessary to remove a tooth. Fortunately, this doesn’t happen nearly as often as you might think. Thanks to advanced orthodontic techniques, tooth-removal is only necessary in about 10% of cases if treatment occurs at the proper age. The likelihood of tooth removal is a bit higher in adult cases, but still quite unlikely.


  • Can I still get braces as an adult?

Yes! Many of our patients at Szymanowski Ortho are adults. Treatment with braces is completely possible in most cases, and alternWoman at dentist's office smilingatives like Invisalign are available for those who are looking for something more discreet. Adult orthodontics have to be approached differently than adolescent orthodontics, as the mouth has developed into a very different landscape. Orthodontists consider many factors when it comes to providing effective treatment, and age is certainly an important one.


  • What if my child has baby teeth?

We recommend that children see an orthodontist around the age of 7 or 8. This will let us get a head start treating problems before they develop into something more serious. The mouth is still developing, and bones haven’t hardened very much. This means that treatments like braces may work more quickly and effectively, leading to less time with braces on in the long run. If nothing else, these early visits can lend you peace of mind concerning your child’s orthodontic health.


  • Does it hurt to eat with braces?

As your mouth will likely be tender for a few days after your braces are installed, you might find it uncomfortable to eat certain foods. Once this soreness subsides, you should be able to eat normally again without any pain.


  • What can’t I eat with braces?

Do you have questions about braces?When talking about braces, people often mention the foods you can’t eat while wearing them. While it’s true that there are foods you should avoid, this list is smaller than you might think. At Szymanowski Ortho, we give patients a comprehensive list of foods to avoid, so there’s no guessing down the road. This list includes popcorn, ice, peanuts, gum, caramel, etc.


  • What if I experience a broken appliance or a problem with my braces?

Orthodontic emergencies that require immediate treatment are very rare, but they happen from time to time. If you’re experiencing severe pain or find that a bracket has broken, most orthodontists will provide an emergency contact number. At Szymanowski Ortho, we can make emergency appointments or provide advice for temporary treatments at home over the phone. We’ll work with you to get things straightened out as quickly as possible.


  • Should I continue visiting my regular dentist while my orthodontic treatment is ongoing?

Yes! Regular appointments with your normal dentist will ensure that your teeth stay clean and healthy while they’re being straightened. They also act as a set of trained eyes that can alert your orthodontist about anything that looks abnormal.


  • How do I find an orthodontist?

A dentist’s referral isn’t necessary to schedule an appointment with an orthodontist, but you should certainly consider any of his or her recommendations. You can contact an orthodontist directly to schedule an appointment.

Szymanowski Ortho offers free initial consultations to get things started, so you can hit the ground running on your orthodontic treatment. We’ll go over your unique situation together, and decide on possible courses of action. If you’re in the Sacramento area, feel free to give us a call at 916.993.4171 or visit us here.

To read more FAQs or learn more about braces in general, visit our treatment page. We hope to talk to you soon!

Dr. Damon Szymanowski and family

Why Choose an Orthodontist in Sacramento CA?

For most people, a beautiful smile is the most obvious benefit of orthodontic treatment. But for orthodontist Dr. Damon Szymanowski at Szymanowski Orthodontics in Sacramento CA, the correct function of your bite is far more important. A malocclusion, or bad bite, can cause serious problems over a lifetime if left untreated. Loss of tooth structure, TMJ problems and even bone loss can occur if a malocclusion is not corrected before permanent damage occurs.

When it comes to the challenges and complexities of orthodontic treatment, most people prefer a specialist well trained and experienced. You can depend on Szymanowski Orthodontics in Sacramento CA for the best of both worlds: a well-functioning bite and the smile of your life!

An orthodontist completes several years of extensive training beyond dental school to become an expert at correcting jaw problems and straightening teeth. A dentist may see only a handful of cases a year amid all their drilling and filling. An orthodontist only practices orthodontics and treats hundreds of cases a year. An orthodontist doesn’t clean teeth, fill cavities, extract teeth or perform any of the routine procedures offered by your general dentist. It is not our area of expertise. So be sure to see your dentist every six months for cleaning and checkups while wearing braces.

Watch this video offered by the American Association of Orthodontics. An adult orthodontic patient discusses how orthodontic treatment has impacted his life.

For more information on how orthodontist Dr. Szymanowski can help you change your life with a beautiful smile, contact our office in Sacramento CA for a complimentary consultation. Many treatment options are available today, from traditional metal braces to Invisalign, the “Braceless Alternative” for teens and adults who are self-conscious about wearing braces.

Tired of the Gap Between Your Teeth?

We have all heard the song, “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth.” As many of us know, there is nothing worse than having lost your baby front teeth and waiting (with a big gap in your smile!) for your adult teeth to come in. However, some people find it is just as frustrating to have both of their front teeth, but still have a big gap in between them. Below are some very famous women who display their gap with pride. (Jessica Hart, Natalie Cole, Anna Paquin, and Lauren Hutton.

Why does this happen? If you want to find out, go to the nearest mirror. Grab your upper lip between your thumb and forefinger on both sides and pull it up (warning: you may feel a little silly doing this). If you look above your front teeth, exactly in the middle of your gums, you will see a small flap of tissue that connects your gums to the inside of your lip. Believe it or not, this little flap actually has a name—it has called a freneulum (or frenum for short), and it can be the reason you have a gap in your front teeth.

If your frenum is the right size and properly positioned on your gum line above your two front teeth, it serves the simple purpose of attaching your gums to your lip, and all is well. Your frenum is supposed to move upward when your baby teeth come in to make room. However, if the frenum is too large, attached in the wrong spot or fails to move down like it should, it can cause problems. An incorrectly placed frenum can exert a pull or tension that prevents your front teeth from coming together the way they should. What makes this even more of an issue is the fact that braces can’t fix it! With the frenum in the way, your front teeth will never get to meet one another.

Before and After Frenectomy surgery

Fortunately, there is a way to solve the problem. There is a procedure known as afrenectomy, which is just a fancy word for reducing the size of your frenum. This limits the tension that keeps your teeth apart, and opens the door for braces to be placed to bring them back together in the right position. It is a very simple procedure performed by your orthodontist or dentist in the office. Your dentist just numbs your gums, removes a tiny bit of the frenum, and you are on your way. Now that lasers are often used for this surgery, it makes the whole thing even easier. There will be a few days of soreness afterwards while your tissue heals, but it is a small price to pay for bringing your front teeth together. After all, they make such a good pair; it’s a shame for them to be so far apart!

Sometimes however, front teeth are kept apart because of a jaw discrepancy where the lower jaw is bigger than the upper jaw causing the front teeth to spread apart. This is a problem of a completely different nature. If you or someone in your family has a space between their two front teeth that want to eliminate, Szymanowski Orthodontics will be able to evaluate the problem and determine the best course of treatment to close the space. It may be much easier than you think.

What Causes TMJ or TMD ?

Have you ever noticed a clicking or popping sound in your jaw when chewing or speaking? The orthodontists at Szymanowski Orthodontics want you to know this happens to everyone from time to time. However, if it happens frequently and is combined with other symptoms such as jaw pain, locking of your jaws, reduced ability to open and close the mouth, ear pain, or difficulty chewing, you may have a condition known as TMD or TMJ disorder. Watch the video below to find out more about TMJ dysfunction.

Orthodontics is a special field of dentistry that concerns itself with the study and treatment of irregular bites. An abnormal bite can be the result of uneven teeth, a jaw that is out of proportion or misaligned, or both. Depending on the situation, crooked teeth can be brought into alignment with orthodontic treatment. If you notice your jaw popping a bit too often and you think the alignment of your teeth or jaw is to blame, contact Szymanowski Orthodontics before you have the painful problem of full-blown TMD causing a lifetime of discomfort and unnecessary dental treatment and expense.

Are Teeth or Jaws the Problem When Teeth are Crowded?

A common problem we see every day at Szymanowski Orthodontics is crowding of teeth. This problem is often accompanied by protruding or “buck teeth”. Crowding can give the appearance the teeth are oversized or too big for the size of the jaws. However, this is not always correct. Often, it is not a tooth problem, but because the size of the jaws is too small or narrow to accommodate the teeth.

Before and After Crowding Rochester NY

Throughout the years, orthodontists have approached this issue in different ways. In the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, the most common practice was to remove permanent teeth to make room. Szymanowski Orthodontics recognizes that tooth extractions may not be necessary in many crowded situations. The removal of permanent teeth may result in lack of lip support or reduction of a patient’s profile. While the reduced profile may be acceptable in younger years, the reduction becomes more pronounced with the aging process and less flattering as they grow older. For this reason, correct treatment diagnosis when considering tooth removals is critical to the outcome of a good long term result.

Due to these aesthetic considerations, extensive research, and technological advancements in the field of orthodontics, many orthodontists have altered their view on how best to deal with crowded situations. Today, a non-extraction therapy is preferred rather than extracting permanent teeth in most treatment plans for children and adolescents. Instead, the treatment focus is on encouraging jaw growth to properly house all the teeth and is most successful when children and adolescents are still growing and developing.

This type of treatment usually is based on the use of specialized appliances and newly designed braces which can move teeth further and faster than traditional braces of old. Successful non-extraction therapy results in a more pleasing long-term facial balance and improved bites. It is recommended that children be checked out by an orthodontist by age 7 or 8 to find out if they are a candidate for this type of treatment.

Timing is Everything In Orthodontics When Treating Children

Szymanowski Orthodontics specializes in the movement of teeth and correction of adverse jaw growth problems. Evaluating and diagnosing each individual patient’s dental development, presents a slightly different challenge for an orthodontist. There are many factors at work and different approaches that can be used.

In severe situations, permanent tooth removals may be required to create the necessary space for others. However, no one enjoys having their teeth extracted and we try to avoid this option whenever possible. Fortunately, there is another way. By using a child’s natural growth spurts, a savvy orthodontist can avoid the need for tooth extractions if he evaluates a patient at an early age.

Children usually have a couple of predictable growth spurts. The first generally occurs around 8 or 9 years of age, right before puberty. Another one will typically follow during puberty itself, which falls between 11 or 12 years. During these growth spurts, the face and jaw will grow. The strategy is to harness this natural growth and combine it with braces and/or appliance to create more room for teeth if needed.

Since timing is everything, it is important to have your child evaluated by an orthodontist at a young age. It is generally difficult to know for sure if your child will need orthodontics until his or her permanent teeth begin to erupt. However, important forecasting clues can be understood by a trained orthodontist.

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that your child be examined by an orthodontist at age 7 to determine if early orthodontic treatment is needed. Treatment is much easier if evaluated and started before problems worsen and vital growth spurts are lost.

It is not necessary to be referred by your general dentist for a complimentary orthodontic evaluation at Szymanowski Orthodontics. Be proactive and contact our office to schedule an appointment. If your child does not require early interceptive treatment, Dr. Damon Szymanowski will continue to monitor your child’s dental and growth development in our complimentary supervisory program to determine the right time to begin treatment, based on your child’s needs.

Don’t Rush Mother Nature When Moving Teeth

closeup patient before and after comparison

We have all heard the saying “patience is a virtue.” However, as human beings… we want, what we want, when we want it. Unfortunately, most things worth having do not come easily without time and effort and when it comes to a successful orthodontic result, you can’t rush “Mother Nature.”

Understanding the physiology of the human body explains why gentle forces are used to move teeth. (read more about tooth movement). When braces put pressure on teeth, it causes cells known as osteoclasts to break down the bone in the path of the tooth movement, similar to a ship moving through sand. At the same time, other cells called osteoblasts are at work on the other side of the tooth. Their job is to make new bone to fill in the space left behind the teeth, like sand filling in behind the ship as it moves, changing direction.

Bone cells work together during orthodontic treatment to make sure the teeth are stabilized in their right place in the bone when treatment is completed. Tooth movement is most effective when slow, deliberate, and guided by Dr. Damon Szymanowski. The ideal amount of movement is about one millimeter a month. This rate of speed moves the teeth as quickly as the bone cells are able to do their work effectively.

Each orthodontic patient at Szymanowski Orthodontics is different and so is treatment time based on individual problems. Some patients require only limited treatment to realign teeth for approximately a year, others with a more severe problem due to a “bad bite” (also known as a malocclusion), generally need braces for 18 to 24 months to correct the problem and attain a healthy occlusion. A properly aligned bite is very important to help maintain good dental health over a life time. It prevents future problems such as premature wearing of teeth, tooth decay, and chronic jaw pain if left untreated.

Treatment time varies with each individual problem and teeth may be moved at any age as long as there is proper bone support to allow tooth movement, allowing the bone cells to regenerate. A healthy new smile achieved at the end of treatment is well worth the time it takes Mother Nature and your orthodontist to correct the problem.

At Szymanowski Orthodontics we are pleased to provide you with this helpful information and to offer you the finest orthodontic care for you and your family. For more information, please contact our office for a complimentary orthodontic consultation.